2010년 8월 2일 월요일

뉴뉴 와 함께하는 night flea market vol.11

night flea market vol.11

Sat 7 August · Time: 08:00 PM

let's celebrate summer at the 11th night flea market presented by BLING and PLATOON KUNSTHALLE, the best place in town to escape the heat and stress for a little vacation in the city. the shop & chill party goes on with chilled drinks, hot bbq and seoul's funniest people, also on the rooftop. this time we have as special acts hiphop & soul dj olican boyd, dj KINGmck and live sonic performance by one-man project 'new new'.

 이번 블링 플리마켓 11번째. dj KINGmck, dj olican boyd 그리고 Sonik of '뉴뉴' 가 함께합니다. 혹시 오시는 분들 아는척 마구 해주세요. 선착순 사인 CD 드릴게요. 즐거운 공간에서 행복한 사람들이 함께합니다.

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